Staff Channels

Discord is our primary method of communicating within the staff team. You will often be @’d and pinged by people in the staff channels looking for your opinions or your attention to an important matter.

We split our staff communication channels into different sections because often there can be multiple conversations happening simultaneously. This helps us to keep track and not miss any key information.

Screenshot 2023-09-05 222840.png

The following is a list of staff channels and what they are for:


Any news relating to staff that would not be appropriate not necessary to share with everybody will be posted here. Check this regularly.


For official record keeping of all punitive actions taken against players. This can be used as a database to locate information on players during appeals or repeat offences. Only use the pinned format provided. All actions, even verbal warnings, require a record.


For general discussion amongst the staff team. Please use the other designated channels for topics concerning rules violations, new staff, staff meetings etc.


For discussing official server events hosted by staff. Player ran events can/should be discussed in a public channel.


For discussing potential rules violations, evidence collection and reviewing appeals.


For discussion between the moderator and senior team.


For using bot commands without them being seen by regular players. -mute etc

#👮💻 │ pre-background-check

For keeping record of individuals that are not whitelisted on the server and we’ve been informed are problematic. This information can either be internal or external.


For discussing staff related things with staff members from our partnered servers Nebula and Near Vanilla.


Used to discuss matters relating to staff via voice without having to worry about being interrupted by other players.


These channels are for logging modified/deleted discord messages as well as logging all ticket systems. We recommend muting these channels.

══════ STAFF TEAMS ═════

These channels are for communications within the shopping district teams to coordinate beautification, reclaims, lotteries and the like.

Discord Commands

The following are extra commands which can be used to moderate the discord server:

/role remove <user> <role>

/mute <user>

<aside> 🗒️ NOTE: If a player is banned, being muted on discord is required for them to access the #⛔appeals channel!


!c whitelist add <username>

!c whitelist remove <username>
