ℹ️ About Discord

Discord is a social media platform for communities. A perfect example of this is our own Dominion Discord server. It’s where groups of people can come together to discuss shared interests.

Checking for previous whitelist attempts

There is a really easy way to check if a discord account has made a previous whitelist attempt, by using their Discord ID. A Discord ID is a unique number assigned to each discord account. It persists through username changes.

To get an account’s Discord ID we can use the Dev Tool provided by Discord itself.

To do this you need to make a small change in your discord user settings. In the Advanced Tab of your user settings, set Developer Mode to On.

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Right Click a username to find the Copy ID menu option

Right Click a username to find the Copy ID menu option

It is fine to leave it set to on permanently.

Now that Dev Mode is turned on, there are two ways to get the Discord ID each time you want to check for previous whitelists.

Option 1

The easiest way is to right click on the Discord User’s name, and in the context menu, right at the bottom, click Copy ID

Option 2

But if you are already looking at the Discord User’s full profile, you can also can also get the ID by clicking the three dots next to the Send Message button.

In the menu there is an option to Copy ID. Click it to copy their Discord ID.

Context Menu without Developer Mode OFF

Context Menu without Developer Mode OFF

Context Menu with Develop Mode ON

Context Menu with Develop Mode ON

Once you have the Discord ID, simply paste it into the search box and hit search. Discord should return any post or message or ticket made by the person with that Discord ID.

Social Media Check

Discord has a setting to allow people to connect their social media to their discord account. Often, but not always, people do connect those services.

When you start the social media check, check their discord profile first. It can save you a lot of time.

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