Core protect is our logging plugin of choice and it logs pretty much everything a user does. The plugin is fairly simple to use on the outside however the real power commands come in handy quickly.

<aside> 🚨 /cTo better describe some of the more complicated concepts, terminology has been used to aid communication of the core concepts. If any of these confuse you at the bottom of the page is a terms section which goes more in depth.


<aside> 🗒️ NOTE: Core Protect is very powerful and can be used in a lot of different ways to help you. Please see the full documentation on how to use it to the best if it's ability:



/co inspect

Short form /co i this command allows you in a single left or right click to look at the logs for a block you can access and know what you're looking for. This however won't inform you of everything when clicking on a container, as it only describes transactions.

/co lookup <parameters>

Looks up all transactions and interactions (by default) within the given parameters described below. You can customise this with parameters explained in the actions setting below.

/co near

A version of /co lookup which has a range of 5

/co rollback <parameters>

Takes any transactions which are in place (not rollback) and rolls them back to the state before the transaction took place.

/co restore <parameters>

Takes any transactions which are in place (not rolledback) and rolls them back to the state before the transaction took place.

/co undo

Takes any transactions which you've just rolledback/restored and undoes it.



Filter for a user For example u:Lord_Bones
