
What is Enderlink?

Enderlink is a combined ender pearl stasis chamber and mail room free to all players and located at 50, 20050 in spawn. Ender pearl stasis chambers allow instant travel from anywhere in the overworld to spawn with the push of a button.

Mail: The barrel serves as your mailbox. When you have mail the lamp lights up! Each person has a unique address consisting of a letter A B C D and a number 1-64.


How Do I Get Started?

Choose any open mailbox with a blank sign on the lamp and rename it to your name. Push the button and an ender pearl will dispense, throw the pearl straight down into the bubble column while crouched over the edge and step back. If successful, the pearl will continue bouncing up and down in the bubble column and you won’t be teleported. If you teleport hit the button for another pearl and try again it can take a few tries to get it right. The pearl will stay in the bubble column forever unless you die, which will cause the pearl to vanish. When you need to come back to spawn just ask in chat if anyone can link you, push your button, recall you to spawn, or similar and give them your address (A01 in Wilven’s case). Most of the time there will be someone that can help you, but be patient if it takes a minute for them to get there. Finally, don’t push buttons for other people unless asked to teleport them to spawn this is considered griefing.

If you have any questions please ask and we’ll be happy to answer them!