Inventory restore is a plugin which allows you to observe the inventory's of players who have died, joined, left or moved world. You'll have access to what they had in their inventory, their location, XP and food levels.

To view someone's inventory you can use the following command:

<aside> 🖥️ /irp restore <Username>


This command should open up a window which allows you to visually navigate around. From the top level you navigate to the occasion the logs were stored.

When you select an occasion, the chests are then the inventory logs. Deaths have the longest logs as these are used the most. As a tooltip on each chest is the time the log was stored the location and in the case of deaths, the death reason .

<aside> ℹ️ Take the death reason with a pinch of salt as fall or suffocate could occur when glitched behavior occurs. Entity refers to monsters within the world and generally is followed by attack or explosion. All deaths should be investigated before completing a rollback.


Once you're viewing a backup you can see their entire inventory. Seen above in red, you can use this like a normal inventory and click/drag these around as items. If you want to restore the players food or more likely XP you can do so with the buttons in blue above. The ender pearl (green above) allows you to teleport to the location - be careful though and ideally don't do this in survival as it could kill you. If you click the nether star option, and the player is online, you can directly overwrite their current inventory. However make sure their current inventory is cleared out before doing this option. Otherwise all items can be put in the players mailboxes.