About MCBans

McBans is a website that keeps track of player bans made using their own plugin.

It is NOT a complete listing of server bans. It only keeps track of servers using their plugin.

Many servers do not use the plugin. Dominion does not use the plugin. But if you are doing a deeper check on a player, you may want to run their name through the database, just in case.


Note: the site is sometimes temperamental, and sometimes doesn’t load / is down.

How to search MCBans

To search MCBans, just type in the search box.

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You do not need to hit enter, the way their search works is via autocomplete. If nothing pops up as you typing then the name is not in their database, or their database is no co-operating.

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You can also try going directly to a user’s profile if you know the UUID, by adding it to the url like this: https://www.mcbans.com/player/UUID

If a name does pop up, you can click it and you will be taken to the player profile that will list their recent bans, and the reasons for the bans.
