🚨 Moderators also have access to all the Helper and Curator commands
Chat Commands
General Chat
/s <message>
- Sends a message to the staff only channel. Using this command without the <message> will toggle all messages to be sent to Staff Chat instead or public.
/g <message>
- Sends a message in the global public chat. You can also type it /g alone, which will toggle all messages sent to public, this can be helpful for situations where you're locked out of public chat.
- Disables your ability to send and receive messages in the staff chat. Important for if you are creating videos or streaming so ensure nothing confidential is shared.
- Rejoins the staff chat. Please be sure to do this if you are no longer streaming.
/lkick <player> or /lkick <player>
- to be used when a player is misbehaving, or has not linked their discord account after numerous requests to do so, or during low TPS (<15) when an AFK player needs to be kicked from the server to improve TPS.
-s should be used if the command needs to hidden from public chat.
Note: A moderator should check players using farms before a kick is performed to ensure that a farm won’t break. However, the priority should always be server TPS over the farm breaking.
Example: /lkick -s Astrogirl Spamming Chat
Example: /lkick -s ydal251 TPS is low, Please wait a few minutes then reconnect if/when you’re active
Example: /kick -s ItsWilven Please link your account with /discord link
Muting a Player
/ltempmute <player> <duration> <reason>
- Used to temporarily mute a player. A reason and duration are required. Durations can be provided in seconds, minutes, hours and days. (2 hours, 1 day)
/lmute <player> or /lmute <player>