This is a guide to the reminder bot used generally for events. It can send scheduled messages that mention particular people on the server and can even indicate who has sent them. This bot is called Reminder-Bot and further help beyond this guide can be found here.

To set a reminder firstly navigate to the Reminder Bot dashboard from their website and clicking "Dashboard" in the top right. Once you click you'll need to login to Discord to link everything together.

Once you're on the Dash board on the left select Dominion and then Reminders to see the current reminders and Add a new Reminder. The Add Reminder window looks rather simple at first glance however once you give it a second look there are few questions so moving left to right let's take a deeper dive.

  1. Message - This is the message which appears in Discord.
    1. Go to the Discord β†’ Server Settings β†’ Roles
    2. Right Click the role β†’ Copy ID
    3. Your code begins: <@&
    4. Then the role ID
    5. Then a final: >
  2. Channel - This is the channel you will send the message to
  3. Time/Date - This time and date is when the reminder will occur.
  4. Username - This is just text for your Username
  5. Avatar - An image to display as the Bots display picture
    1. Upload your avatar to the Admin Commands channel
    2. Right Click β†’ Copy Link
    3. This is the link you can paste in this location

<aside> 🚨 If you don't see Copy ID then: ensure you are in Developer Mode in Discord. To do this go to Settings (cog next to your avatar) β†’ Appearance β†’ Developer Mode


The above then might be close to what you have in the end. A message which a bot sent, but people know who wrote it and most importantly who to contact regarding it. You can edit reminders in the same dashboard in the same way.

How to add channels to add-reminder

You might notice that when adding a reminder that not all channels show themselves. This is because not all channels have been used. There are a few ways to add a channel but the easiest is explained here.

  1. Go to the Admin-Commands channel and type something like the following:

$natural at 12PM on the 17th of January send Test to #πŸ“°ο½œnews

Put in a date in the past, so last month say as the reminder. Then finally put in the channel last.

This will set a reminder for nearly a year in the future. Now you could just leave this reminder and look like a complete idiot, who knows you might not even be an admin then right? However what you really should do is go over to the dashboard, find this message and delete it as below.