The specific requirements and criteria for the Seasoned and Legacy roles can get a little confusing. This page outlines all information about the Seasoned and Legacy roles in detail.

Criteria Needed To Become A Seasoned Player

At the beginning of each month, the Admin team will produce a list of "Eligible Nominees" based on the following Hard Criteria. A "hard criteria" is a set of absolute qualifiers that a player must meet or maintain, with zero exceptions. This is what determines the list of eligible candidates at the beginning of each month:

Then, the list of eligible players is discussed amongst the existing Seasoned player list, based on a Soft Criteria. A "soft criteria" is a set of subjective qualifiers, such as a judgement on an individuals personality and contributions to the community. Some examples include:

Finally, the Admin team will take the feedback and make final informed decisions on which players obtain the role this month. The cycle then repeats, once per month, every month.

The Legacy Role

The Legacy role is given to those players who had previously achieved Seasoned status, but have since stopped being an active participant in our server. The following is the criteria needed to transfer from Seasoned to legacy:

This is checked at the same time as the new list of eligible seasoned players, at the beginning of each month, every month. Returning Legacy players can then regain the Seasoned role by reaching the following Criteria:

This again is checked at the same time as the new list of eligible seasoned players, at the beginning of each month, every month.