So you have just spawned into Dominion for the very first time and you’re wondering how to get started on the server? This is the guide for you!

Discord Linking

Spawn Tour

Self Spawn Tour


How are shops organised?

How do I pay at a shop?

How do I open a shop?

The Nether Highways

The hubs

Navigating the Highways

Building your first base

Finding a spot

Connecting your Nether portal

Strong portal connections

Connecting to the Highways

Final Notes

Discord Linking

The very first thing that all players should do upon joining the server is to link your Discord with your Minecraft username.

The response message when you type /link should look like this, but with a different 4-digit code.

The response message when you type /link should look like this, but with a different 4-digit code.

The DiscordSRV bot.

The DiscordSRV bot.

After you’ve sent the link code, DiscordSRV should respond like this, and you should have the Verified link in Minecraft and on Discord. Welcome to Dominion!

After you’ve sent the link code, DiscordSRV should respond like this, and you should have the Verified link in Minecraft and on Discord. Welcome to Dominion!

Spawn Tour