Listed below are the descriptions and rewards for all currently available quests. Once a quest is completed, they'll be marked as such and have a screenshot added to highlight the accomplishments of said quest.

Please note that quests yet to be revealed due to their prerequisites being incomplete will not be listed here.

Table of Contents

**Those Who Came Before Guild To Order Mead and Merriment It’s A Kind Of Magic Which Witch? Ye of Little Faith Quid Pro Grow An Apple A Day Leap of Faith Ship Happens Wouldn’t You Like To Know, Weather Boy A Means To An End Rasing The Bar Geographically Challenged Here Be Dragons New Beginnings? Like Music To My Ears Nether Have I Ever Baggin Rights Dummies For Dummies He Who Smelt It, Dealt it The Graveyard Shift Riveting Work No Time To Die Wall of Duty**

<aside> ✅ Those Who Came Before Search the ruins of spawn area for archeological signs of previous life.

Rewards: 🕮 - Unlock all other quests 🟣 - x1 Spirit Orbs



<aside> ✅ Guild To Order Gather as many players as possible and create the foundation of at least 3 guilds. These guilds can be for any purposes of your choosing.

Reward: 👟 - While inside the keep area, gain the “Speed I” potion effect indefinitely. 🟣 - x2 Spirit Orbs



<aside> 🔲 Mead and Merriment Host a feast for all the townspeople! This feast should include entertainment of some kind as well as other celeratory features. This event should include the majority of participating players and be announced in advance.

Rewards: ❤️ - While inside the keep area, gain the “Regeneration I” potion effect indefinitely. 🍀 - A Blue Moon arrives, increasing Luck. 🟣 - x2 Spirit Orbs


<aside> ✅ It’s A Kind Of Magic Within the walls of your keep, build and decorate a wizard’s tower. This tower will eventually bevome the location to craft and upgrade your spells and spell casting equipment.

Rewards: 🔮 - Gain a Scroll Forge, allowing players to craft new scrolls. 🟣 - x2 Spirit Orbs



<aside> 🔲 Which Witch? Find and defeat the Dead King Boss. As with all tasks this must be completed with as many willing and availaby indivduals as possible.

Rewards: 🪄 - Unlock an Inscription Table, allowing you to place spell scrolls inside of spell books to use a spell multiple times. 🧙 - Unlock an Arcane Anvil allowing you to upgrade spell scrolls similarly to enchanting books, as well as imbue melee weapons with spells. 🟣 - x2 Spirit Orbs


<aside> 🔲 Ye of Little Faith Within the walls of your keep, create and decorate a temple or shrine to any god or enity of your collective choosing.

Rewards: 🗿 - Gain the ability to convert spirit orbs from other quest rewards into Heart containers and Stamina Containers via the Goddess Statue. 🟣 - x2 Spirit Orbs
