Player Roles

Staff Roles

[◇] Unverified Member: This is the role every new player has when joining the server before they link their Discord account.

[H] Helper: The entry-level staff role that is responsible for supporting their teams and assisting new players. They also help with maintaining the shopping district.

[◆**] Verified Member:** Has linked their account to Discord and can access all public channels and voice chat.

[C] Curator: Primarily responsible for the maintenance of the shopping district, shop tickets and beautifying spawn. They adopt the roles of Helpers as well as their own.

[] Donator: These players have contributed to offset the monthly costs of the server. They receive no other benefits other than a colored prefix in game and a priority queue if the server is full.

[◇] Legacy: If Seasoned players do not maintain two days of playtime over a period of 12 months, their prefix is updated to show they are not in the loop on server happenings to avoid confusion. They may regain seasoned status if they resume activity.

[M] Moderator: Main rule enforcers and investigators to potential rule breaking. Able to give final say on most questions or discussions, they adopt all roles of Curators as well as their own.

[A] Admin: Full access to the server's command and plugins. Does critical behind the scenes work, running events, definitive decision making and server protection.

[] Seasoned: Seasoned Players are hand-picked, long term members that have contributed significantly to the community and have met certain criteria.

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